ARDEN MESH Network Presentation 12/05/2020 @ 0600-0800L

On December 5th from 0600-0800 CHsT the Hawaii IEEE Communications Society Chapter is hosting a seminar Introducing the technologies behind AREDN MESH and the possibilities and capabilities to serve counties and state for backup emergency communications.

It will cover the concept, design, and implementation of an AREDN MESH network in Hawaii, explain where things started, what are some of the constraints and obstacles with the design, how far it has come so far across the state, and how the future looks for this system to play a role in EmComm.

Steven Minakami, NH6XL (Honolulu ARES/RACES, Honolulu DEM, IEEE Hawaii
Section Chair, Hawaii Chapter Communications Society Chair)

Orville ‘Orv’ Beach, W6BI (Ventura County ACS, AREDN MESH-Ventura &
Los Angeles Counties)
Gescio ‘Jesse’ Alpuro, WH6AV (Maui ARES, Hawaii AREDN MESH Group)

This will be a ZOOM meeting for IEEE members, the Hawaii AllStar Repeater Group, the Hawaii Emergency Amateur Radio Network, Inc., Hawaii Amateur Radio Clubs, Hawaii ARES, and Hawaii ARRL members.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 948 0270 4253
Passcode: 521069

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