Audio | Video Links

Audio | Podcast Links

TWiT | HamNation


Ham Radio Workbench

ARRL | So Now What?

Amateure Logic TV

Dr. Tamitha Skov | Space Weather Woman | Weekly Audio Podcasts


Video Links

TWiT | Ham Nation | YouTube

AmateurLogic.TV | YouTube

KE0OG | David Casler | YouTube

K7AGE | Randy | YouTube

KF7IJZ | Ham Radio Workbench | YouTube

Commsprepper | YouTube

AE5DW | Don Wilbanks – Amateur Radio Newsline headlines| YouTube

Hardened Power | YouTube

MFJ Enterprises Inc | YouTube

GigaParts, Inc. | YouTube

Wiring Products | YouTube

OpenRepeater Project | YouTube

Radio Free Redoubt | YouTube

Hamshack Hotline | YouTube

Ham Radio Concepts | YouTube

Ham Radio 2.0 (DMR Heavy) | YouTube

HamRadioNow | YouTube

KM4ACK | YouTube

KN4AQ2 | YouTube

OH8STN Ham Radio | YouTube

W1MSG HamRadio | YouTube

W5CYF / TinkerJohn | YouTube

Jeri Ellsworth | YouTube

Dr. Tamitha Skov | Space Weather Woman | Weekly Video Forecasts | YouTube

Exam Info for VE’s

Fully-Remote Amateur Radio Exam Administration – QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo 2020

ExamTools Tier 2 BETA – How to be a VE for a Fully-Remote Exam!