D-Star Repeater

AH2G’s D-STAR Real-Time Repeater Information:  https://dstar.ah2g.org/



To register (you only need to do this once)

Go go:


****Please email repeater@ah2g.org once you have registered so that the repeater trustee can approve your account****

 Once approved, log back in and create two terminal entries.    Navigate to the same page you first registered on and log in with your call sign and password.    If you have forgotten your password, use the Forgot Password? link on the main page.

The first terminal entry enables you to configure your call sign into your radio without a “terminal” suffix.  

  • For the first entry, check the checkbox next to the number “1.”, enter a single space (press space bar once) in the “Initial” field.  Do not click the AccessPoint checkbox.  
  • For the second entry, check the checkbox next to the number “2.”, enter “Z” in the Initial box, and this time, check the AccessPoint checkbox.

Press Update to submit the form and create your terminal entries.

You are now ready to program your callsign into your radio following the manufacturer’s instructions.



A youtube video on how to register is below:



If you have any issues please feel free to contact the repeater trustee repeater@ah2g.org with your issues.


Website     Purpose

https://dstar.ah2g.org    AH2G DSTAR STATUS PAGE

DSTARINFO.COM/REFLECTORS.ASPX   dstar reflector info and status info