Marianas Amateur Radio Club Net Control Script
[Net starts at every Tuesday at 7:00 PM, 1900 hours.]
Welcome to the Marianas Amateur Radio Club Net. This is an area net serving all amateur radio operators with information on amateur radio activities and public service events. The purpose of this net is to teach the protocols and procedures of a Net. As always, Constructive feedback is encouraged. All licensed amateurs are invited to check in and participate.
This is a formal net, with all net activities directed through net control. We encourage the use of ITU phonetics. The use of the word “break” should only be used to interrupt regular net operations in the event of an emergency.
Your Net Control is [Call Sign] from [Your Location] and my name is [Your Name].
Everyone is welcome to check into this net by stating their call sign, name, and location. Please say your call sign slowly and phonetically. This is not a local traffic net, but traffic going outside the local phone area may be handled. Traffic must be in the ARRL format.
Any station with announcements, bulletins, or queries, please call now.
Any mobile or portable stations, please call now.
Any fixed stations, please call now.
[After recording 3-5 stations, review the list on the air by stating call sign, name, and location.]
This is [Call Sign] with the Marianas Amateur Radio Club Net. Any additional check-ins, please call now.
[Review the new check-ins on the air by stating call sign, name, and location.]
This is [Call Sign] with the Marianas Amateur Radio Club Net
in progress. The formal portion of this net is now closed. Shane, please give us the puzzler. I will go through the list of check-ins for comments and an answer to the puzzler. Any station wishing to leave, may do so.
[Call the first check-in by Call Sign, name, and location and go through the list.]
This is [Call Sign] with the Marianas Amateur Radio Club Net in progress. Any additional check-ins, please call now. [Say this phrase every 5 minutes.]
[Record new check-ins on the Net Control Log. Ask new check-in if they heard the puzzler. Record response.]
[After the last check-in provides comments and answer, give your comments and answer to the puzzler.]
Thanks for checking into the Marianas Amateur Radio Club Net. Good night from [Call Sign] and I am returning the repeater to general amateur radio use.