Guam DMR-Hawaii HI-2

Due to changes in the ID numbering scheme by a few weeks back and to prevent any network conflicts and confusion, DMR-Hawaii users will need to change our HI-2 Talk Group digital ID.  Starting tomorrow, the HI-2 DMR-Hawaii TG digital ID will change to “31150” and no longer will “3115808” route through the network as Hawaii-2.  This will occur on our cBridge HI-TRBO and our sister cBridge SF-TRBO.

Starting 17-Sep-18, at approximately Midnight GST, if you want to use Hawaii-2 TG, you will need to reconfigure your codeplug.  Only one change in the Group digital ID file of your codeplug needs to be made.  In the Group Digital ID file, change HI-2 TG to the ID 31150.  All the channel files will change to this new ID number by this one Group digital ID change.  Hawaii-1 and all the remaining TGs such as Guam, remain the same and continue to operate as is.  You can continue to use your codeplug and all the TG will work except HI-2 if you make no changes.  HI-2 is used for little if not at all by the Guam users.  However, it is recommend you make this change at your earliest convenience.

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