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Next club meeting: TBA- VIPs in Tamuning. (will update and send email out to mailing list)

Look for every one attending on the repeater 146.910 – or the DMR Repeater channel 1 our Guam channel.

If your interested in taking an Amateur radio test please let Phil nh2p@arrl.net know.

Directions to KSTO: Satellite view of KSTO
From the north, turn Left at Adelup (the Governor’s office) onto Route 6. Drive all the way to the top and go past Top ‘O the Mar a little more than one mile. The KSTO studio building is on the left side of the road.

From the south, from Marine Corps Drive turn right onto Route 6, go up the hill about 1.5 miles. The KSTO studio building is on your right.
The driveway on the south end takes you to the lower parking lot. The entrance to the meeting room is on the south end of the building, lower level (you will pass it on your way to a parking spot).

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