
The Guam-Marianas Amateur Radio Club (GMARC) is a group of Amateur Radio operators on the island of Guam.

For general club questions or more info on AH2G, please email the President of AH2G at President@ah2g.org, or Ed (KH2L) KH2L@arrl.net

For website concerns please email the President of AH2G at President@ah2g.org

Directions to KSTO: From the north, turn Left at Adelup (the Governor’s office) onto Route 6. Drive all the way to the top and go past Top ‘O the Mar a little more than one mile. The KSTO studio building is on the left side of the road. From the south, from Marine Corps Drive turn right onto Route 6, go up the hill about 1.5 miles. The KSTO studio building is on your right. The driveway on the south end takes you to the lower parking lot. The entrance to the meeting room is on the south end of the building, lower level.