The October monthly GMARC meeting is scheduled for:

Saturday 12 October 2024 at 9 am for breakfast. The location is TBD

Following breakfast, the club will then head over to The War in the Pacific Park on Nimitz Hill for a POTA activation and APRS.

All members, new and current HAMS, and guests are welcome to join!.

For questions or directions, please email!

See you all there!.

AH2G is proud to announce that we have a Tuesday night NET.

(Every Tuesday night, Except the first Tuesday of every month, [the monthly AH2G Club Meeting])

This NET can be heard on the 146.910Mhz Repeater @ 1900L.

We encourage licensed operators to participate.

        If you would like to be a NET Control Operator, or have any questions, please feel free to email

the President at


Sign-up for the monthly newsletter!

Join a meeting and learn more about Ham radio in Guam!

Our most popular Repeater communication is on the following channels:

Mode Analog Digital (DMR)
Channel 146.910- NO PL – 444.500+ Guam Local (internet) CC1 TG 5351

Join the WhatsApp Group! >> AH2G <<

AH2G holds a radio net every Tuesday (except club meeting nights) at 7:00 PM Local. For more info please see the following page: NET INFO


AH2G Has started to work the admin functions of the club to an online system called If you would like to join the AH2G club and want more info please email us!

Directions to KSTO